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Filter your search results

You can filter your search results for making your search easier. Login and go to 'search' for profiles. Once you get your search results, you can see an option "filter your search results". You can filter your search result based on age, height, weight,caste, education, residing place, etc. For e.g., if you want to view profiles only from the age group 26-28, if you need only Nair caste in Hindu religion, click on Filter search results. Select the age group and caste that you want to. Now you are provided profiles only of that particular preference. This makes your search much easier.

Basic horoscope compatibility check

Login and browse to "search profiles". You can view star match with other profiles for free. This is provided as percentage points against each profile while browsing through the list of profiles.

Money Back Guarantee

You are eligible for a 100% refund if you do not get any response to your profile within 30 days, provided:
1. You have created your profile by adding at least one photograph
2. You have expressed interest to a minimum of 10 members; but have not received any response from them
3. You have not received any personalized messages or an express interest alert
4. You have not viewed/taken any verified contact numbers
5. Other members have not viewed or taken your contact details
You can get your money back after a minimum period of 30 days and within 1 year

Save and search profile

You can save and search profiles which can be viewed later on. Browse for your basic or advanced search. Click on save and search field. Give a current name for your search criteria. You can save up to 5 sets of search parameters which can be used at any point later, making regular search activities on a single click. You can access the saved profiles directly from your home page.

Express interest

'Express Interest' is an exclusive feature which enables you to send unlimited messages to profiles you are interested in. It is absolutely FREE. You can express interest via sms also. Only Premium Members will have the facility to send personalized messages to interested candidates. Even free members have the facility of 1 free sms per day.

Chat facility

You can see other members who are online and you have the option to establish contact with them through chat. Helps you understand your life partner better before committing on a relationship. This facility is available exclusively to paid members only.

Profile match

Login and view the latest matching profiles in your member home page. You can also view the same in your "search criteria". Browse through the list of profiles and you can view the percentage of your profile match with other profiles.