Daily User Tips
We request you to use Ignore or Block feature to prevent "the profiles you don't like" from appearing on your screen. These features can prevent such profiles from entering your screen and let in some new profiles. Also, we request you to use 'Report Abuse' feature whenever you find an irrelevant profile. This will let us remove those profiles and serve you with a better list of profiles.
Ignore from search
By using this feature, you can prevent a profile from appearing on your screen. But you will receive Messages and Express Interest from that profile.
Ignore from search
Block profile
This feature prevents a profile from appearing on your screen and blocks all Messages/Express Interests from that profile.
Report profile
Use this feature on a profile when you can't contact the person with the given details or when it proves irrelevant when contacted. Once you use 'Report Profile', we will verify that profile and removes it if found as irrelevant.
Report profile
Browse through a better list of profiles. Best Of Luck!
Prevent those profiles now
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